Uchit is a distributed P2P (peer-to-peer) collaboration and communication platform designed primarily to improve the way people communicate with each other / with the public and collaborate with team members. Uchit completely removes intermediaries and allows users to instantly exchange information via blockchain networks. Uchit leverages the Ethereum ecosystem as the main platform for transaction processing. By encrypting blockchain communications and allowing nodes to communicate directly, Uchit can act as a completely decentralized exchange for transferring valuable data and transactions, allowing users to communicate and collaborate as they please. Distributed networks can work together without trust without a single point of failure.
Uchit is a communication center and a tool of solidarity for individuals, professionals and commercial organizations. This site offers the following opportunities:
– Providing solutions that cover all purposes for personal use, this is how you communicate with friends and family.
-Professional introduction, similar to the interaction between software developers, musicians, painters, etc.
-Professionals, such as communication between financiers, projects, freelancers, etc.
– Application for company use for the company.
– Sites that wish to have community functions on their sites. (the company provides the API)
The purpose of this site is to bring together all the experts, companies, employees and members in a single system of environmental blocks, which will make the project and the business truly effective, transparent and reliable.
Who is behind Uchit
CRASS Infotech, one of the leading video game publishers in South Asia. CRASS Infotech is a technology company with subsidiaries and subsidiaries operating in various fields.
How it all started
We need a platform to collaborate with companies and professionals abroad. Partners CRASS children love to collaborate and work with other entities to create good products. We talk to many companies and then decide to create this platform to facilitate communication and collaboration to design, meet new people, connect with professionals. Create a complete hub for people who want to create a good project.
Token Uchit will be released on the Ethereum platform. Compatibility of this marker with portfolios, exchanges, etc. Third party, which offers easy integration.
Maximum number of tokens: 712,350,000
Exchange: 1 UCHT = 0.19 USD
Private sale: date – 1 April 2018 to 30 April 2018
50% bonus: Minimum investment – 10 ETH
Pre Ico: date – May 1, 2018 to May 13, 2018
Sales token: date – from May 15, 2018 to May 31, 2018
Minimum cost: $ 5,000,000
Maximum cost: $ 50,000,000
Token distribution and use of results
The project has a strong and highly qualified team, which I believe is able to bring the project to the highest level in a short time and I hope they will succeed.
The team includes large specialists from various sectors with long-term work experience. With the main participants you can meet the representatives of the Internet, in the same place you will find links to their personal profiles on social networking sites.
Road map
December 2016: ideas for the development of the platform.
April 2017: analysis of other platforms and markets
October 2017: analysis completed, we know the solution
April 2018: start of crowdfunding
November 2018: Alpha Launch Version
February 2019: launch of the pre-beta version
July 2019: Launch of the beta version
December 2019: complete development
January 2020: test
April 2020: Platform Marketing
May 2020: final version.
Thanks to all my friends who have visited my blog. This is the information I gave you about UCHIT. I hope that with my information you will find the best decision to join UCHIT. For those of you who want more information, you can visit the link listed below.
Eth addres:0x8FD53C5AE653BC86ff0d53b41171ff01372eEf5E
My Bitcointalk Profile:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1836472;sa=summary

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